gta 5 glenn scoville — GTA Games

Finding the Runaways — Glen Scovil

Availability: Trevor Location: This mission is available some time after the end of the side mission. Finding the Runaways — Larry Tupper. You need to wait for the email and whereabouts of the wanted person from Maud Ackles. Glen Scovil is in one of the most inaccessible places in the world, near the top of the Chiliad screen (above).

You can get to the top of the mountain in two main ways: by cable car or along one of the slopes with a motorcycle or ATV. Whichever you choose, look around the railroad track and raise your parachute screen (over) because it will help you catch Glenn.

Glenn is just south of the train station, and if you want to kill, shoot him before he starts to run away. Otherwise, run to him, and then jump from above and open the parachute. Try to move so as not to lose your escape.
Try to land as close to Glenn as possible so as not to waste a lot of time to catch up with him. If Trevor has high stamina, he can take it on his own. Otherwise, quickly find any vehicle and get your escape. After that, take Glenn to Mod Ackles.
Glenn Scoville / Glen Scoville
6 hours after delivery to Larry, a new letter will appear. The next target is Glen Scovil, a banker and extreme. And also a friend of the same House that Franklin had a chance to hang out with.
Glen is one of the vice presidents of the investment firm Schlongberg Sachs. Came under suspicion in the investigation of illegal income obtained through insider information during the crisis. The accused did not appear at the court session, which is why he was in Maud’s field of vision.
Meanwhile, Glen and the cameraman carelessly shoot another extreme video on the top of Mount Chiliad . As soon as you appear nearby, he will headlong leap down. If Trevor doesn’t have a parachute with him, grab the one lying nearby on the ground and jump after him. The descent will be long. Try to land closer to the base jumper to cool it off with a stun gun. Otherwise, a single shot in the leg or back from a weapon that is not the most lethal will end this chase.
Capturing the Runaways in GTA 5: Glenn Scoville

Six hours after Larry Tupper was brought in by Maud, Trevor will receive guidance on the next fugitive — Glenn Scovil, a House buddy who taught Franklin in extreme tricks. Scovil is a prominent financier and one of the vice presidents of the Schlongberg Sachs investment fund. Caught under suspicion during the investigation of the illegal income obtained through inside information during the economic crisis, Glenn did not appear at the court hearing. Well, in vain. Trevor will take care of it now. Scovil is still unaware of what awaits him, and serenely shoots a new extreme base jumping video with a cameraman on Mount Chilliad. However, as soon as Trevor is near, Glenn will immediately realize that nothing good can be expected from such a meeting, and will immediately jump off the cliff. Runaways in GTA 5 Of course, Trevor will have to jump after him. If there is no parachute in your inventory, you can find it nearby. The descent will be long, and during the flight you need to get as close to Scovil as possible in order to land next to him and not chase the fugitive even on the ground, but immediately use the stun gun. However, even if it is impossible to land in the immediate vicinity of Glenn, you can always shoot the fleeing banker in the leg with a pistol or other light weapon, after which he will become much calmer and agree to follow Maud “voluntarily”. Runaways in GTA 5 Nevertheless, there is a much simpler option — you can go after Scovil in a helicopter, and then descend on it after the parachutist — it will be faster than jumping after him with a parachute. In addition, in this case, the fugitive can be easily transported to the Mod by air, which, again, is much faster and more convenient.
Originally published at on April 26, 2021.
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